HEC Scholarship for Master Level 2023 Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Last Date
If you are here for the best result of HEC Scholarship for Master Level 2023 Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Last Date then you are at right place. Because from this website you can get the best information about Chulabhorn Graduate Institute scholarship. Chulabhorn Graduate Institute offers scholarship every year that’s why this year they also offer scholarship. All the scholarships will be given on the merit basis and the potential of the candidates and all the likely impact of the work for the development of Pakistan. For more information candidates have to consult the advertisement below and also read more article.
If any one from you want to get the scholarship from Chulabhorn Graduate Institute for the Master level then don’t waste your time and submit the application form for the scholarship before the due date. HEC accepted application forms for Chulabhorn Graduate Institute from AJK. The scholarship is only offering for the Master level candidates that have completed their 18 years education.
HEC Scholarship for Master Level 2023 Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Last Date
All the candidates who have to get the scholarship then candidates must have the age under 30 years. Candidates or applicants must have 16 years Bachelors degree with minimum or at least 3 GPA in the following fields. In science candidates have in chemistry, biology, biological sciences. Molecular biology, environmental sciences.
How to apply?
Candidates who want to get the scholarship of Chulabhorn Graduate Institute then they have to download the application form online and also have to fill all the blanks that are mentioned in the application form. for more information candidates have to consult the advertisement attached along this article.
In medical field candidates have done their bachelor in Medicine or n Medical Technology. Candidates must have experience in the Scientific laboratory research. Applicants also have the demonstrated English Proficiency or at least pass a test of TOEFL or ILETS. Applicants must have to tell the Chulabhorn Graduate Institute about the interest in the study.